We are out of town and expect to be back before the end of July. If your furniture repair is something that can wait, we would love to work with you then.

Depending on what you need, we may know someone who can help you. We will be checking the mail and messages intermittently. As we are on vacation, please be patient. We will get back to you.

We sincerely appreciate your call to us and wish you the very best in all things to come.

Renters Can Be Hard on Furniture

Renters made a mess of the wood on this bunk bed.

Even in a beautiful resort town like Destin Fl, kids will still be kids and scratches can be a problem after a while. Enter the Master technician to see what I could do to help.

I filled the deep scratches with matching pigment that fills the wood and hides the scratches. Next comes the matching toner and then several coats of lacquer to seal and protect the new finish.

Now the condo manager can get the arm and a leg that he deserves because his furniture looks great again!

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