We are out of town and expect to be back before the end of July. If your furniture repair is something that can wait, we would love to work with you then.

Depending on what you need, we may know someone who can help you. We will be checking the mail and messages intermittently. As we are on vacation, please be patient. We will get back to you.

We sincerely appreciate your call to us and wish you the very best in all things to come.

Flea Control Medicine Damage on Leather Couch

Flea medicine damage on a leather couch

If you use flea control medicine products on your cats or dogs, it can damage your couch. Whether your furniture is leather or fabric, avoid the nightmare this unfortunate woman had.

If your pet is like any other, when you put the drops on the back of their neck, he or she will immediately begin to roll and try to wipe it off.

The pigment is gone and needs to be replaced. Until the drops soak in, keep your furry friends away from the leather! When puppies have itchy backs, they roll.

Yes, those drops can strip the color right off your furniture if your puppy rolls on his back. Fortunately, I can refinish the damaged area, back to beautiful!